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Below are some samples from my VALL-E implementation:
Objective metrics are computed by:

Note: WER on JA/ZH have erroneous WERs due to lack of spaces. Please refer to the CER in the meantime.
Tables marked as "(Validation)" or "(Unseen)" are speakers/samples not seen to the model.
These samples were generated using
--ar-temperature=1.5 --nar-temperature=0.0 --dtype=bfloat16 --cfg-strength=2.5 --max-steps=50 --top-k=20

Table of Contents:

Model (

LibriSpeech (Validation)

Average WER: 0.875
Average CER: 1.750
Average PER: 3.000
Average SIM-O: 0.380

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Original VALL-E F5-TTS Ground Truth
Number ten, fresh nelly is waiting on you, good night husband. 3.0008.00011.0000.301
Yea, his honourable worship is within, but he hath a godly minister or two with him, and likewise a leech. 0.0000.0000.0000.334
Instead of shoes, the old man wore boots with turnover tops, and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid. 0.0000.0000.0000.523
The army found the people in poverty and left them in comparative wealth. 0.0000.0000.0000.473
Thus did this humane and right minded father comfort his unhappy daughter, and her mother embracing her again, did all she could to soothe her feelings. 2.0001.0001.0000.212
He was in deep converse with the clerk and entered the hall holding him by the arm. 0.0000.0001.0000.434
They moved thereafter cautiously about the hut groping before and about them to find something to show that Warrenton had fulfilled his mission. 1.0001.0005.0000.398
And lay me down in thy cold bed and leave my shining lot. 1.0004.0006.0000.365

LibriSpeech (Validation)

Average WER: 0.531
Average CER: 2.000
Average PER: 2.063
Average SIM-O: 0.469

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
The master and mistress begged them not to cry or raise their voices in lamentation, it would do the little patient no good. 0.0001.0002.0000.371
As it chanced, however, the victim came down with a thud almost beneath the whiskered nose of the Wildcat. 0.0000.0000.0000.754
The plesiosaurus, a serpent with a cylindrical body and a short tail, has four flappers or paddles to act like oars. 1.0004.0003.0000.551
On seeing his wife all in tears and Laocadia fainting, he eagerly inquired the cause of so startling a spectacle. 2.0006.0009.0000.535
The mistress professed to know nothing about it. Simply said, she went to sleep and fell out herself. As usual, nothing was done in the way of punishment. 0.0002.0004.0000.613
It directly overhung a transparent amber-brown chute of unbroken water in the midst of the loud turmoil of North Fork Rapids. 5.00012.0009.0000.559
Instead of shoes, the old man wore boots with turnover tops, and his blue coat had wide cuffs of gold braid. 0.0001.0001.0000.418
so timeless seemed the grey warm air, so fluid and impersonal his own mood, that all ages were as one to him. 0.0001.0000.0000.574
He rose and pushed the chair behind him and began to walk miserably about the room, seeming to find it too small for him. 0.0001.0002.0000.613
Under ordinary conditions, Reynolds was sure to be elected, but the committee proposed to sacrifice him in order to elect Hopkins. 0.0000.0001.0000.471
He put his hands in his trouser pockets and went out for a walk, for he did not begrudge anybody seeing how fine he was. 0.0001.0000.0000.699
Also a draft on futurity, sometimes honored, but generally extended. 0.0000.0000.0000.484
I liked Naomi Cole Brook at first sight, liked her pleasant smile, liked her hearty shake of the hand when we were presented to each other. 2.0002.0002.0000.574
Even some of the most strongly marked racist cannot be identified with that degree of which might have been expected from what has been written on the subject. 0.0001.0000.0000.479
I should torture myself. I couldn't help it. After that it was easy to forget, actually to forget. 0.0001.0006.0000.373
Among other things on which she cast her eyes was a small crucifix of solid silver standing on a cabinet near the window. 0.0001.0000.0000.318
If he were good enough, he would attach himself to that company of young men in the Theological Seminary who were seeing New York life in preparation for the 2.0009.0005.0000.363
No doubt about that," said Cervadac, and I suppose that, having crossed the orbit of Venus, we have a good chance of running into the orbit of Mercury. 1.0002.0001.0000.520
Valetti's father, who had just recovered from a long illness, was not with us. but we had his father's sister, who was older than Mario. 0.0001.0001.0000.410
It seems to me as if my companions, the moment they touched me, would receive a severe shock like that from an electric eel. 0.0001.0000.0000.551
A ring of amethyst I could not wear here, planer to my sight, than that first kiss. 1.0001.0003.0000.350
Benzuf, however, did not despair of ultimately converting the captain, and meanwhile had resolved never to leave him. 1.0003.0003.0000.664
I think it is by this means that we become critical of images, not by some image-less memory with which we compare them. 0.0001.0002.0000.648
The awkward thing was that they had practically no other relations, and that his own affairs took up all his time. 0.0001.0000.0000.406
These two cherubic infants had both big brown eyes, fat red cheeks, and adorable fluffy golden curls. 0.0001.0000.0000.334
I never knew I was called the Unlucky," said Ojo soberly, but it is really a good name for me. 0.0000.0001.0000.063
He turned round to the fire, gave a kick to a log, watched it an instant. 0.0000.0001.0000.375
When it got very cold, the metal would contract and close the circuit and throw a lamp into circuit inside the meter. 0.0001.0000.0000.488
and then he flapped his wings and barched like a dog with pure delight and added as as fast as his bird's tongue could speak. 2.0006.0006.0000.426
Here is his scarf, which has evidently been strained, and on it are spots of blood, while all around are marks indicating a struggle. 0.0001.0000.0000.309
Then there were three or four leading men of the community with their wives, who were or for the most part the fathers and mothers of the young ladies. 0.0001.0003.0000.324
Our uneducated men work too bluntly to be ever in the right, but the Germans draw finely and resolutely wrong. 0.0001.0001.0000.381

SeedTTS test-en (Validation)

Average WER: 0.125
Average CER: 0.500
Average PER: 1.219
Average SIM-O: 0.303

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
We don't have the budget to produce it in studio quality. 0.0000.0000.0000.164
Large brown dog walks up a blue staircase. 0.0000.0000.0000.383
A sky jumper falls toward the sea and the earth. 0.0000.0000.0000.357
He must be disguised to avoid encounters with thieves. 0.0000.0000.0000.334
The area was swirling in dust so intense that it hid the moon from view. 0.0000.0000.0000.328
Songs are made to make you feel. 0.0000.0000.0000.240
Then why should they be surprised when they see one? 0.0000.0000.0000.395
The virus spread faster than wildfire. 0.0000.0000.0000.239
But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to his mind. 0.0000.0000.0000.200
It means only that the heart does what it can, the alchemist said. 0.0000.0000.0000.227
Her old man was Doc Mitchell. 0.0000.0000.0000.453
It isn't the money. 0.0000.0000.0000.373
The black dog is wearing a blue jacket and playing with a toy. 0.0000.0000.0000.371
The lady in the red car is crossing the bridge. 0.0000.0000.0000.406
It's easy, and yet I've never done it before, he thought. 1.0006.0007.0000.132
The desert, with its endless monotony, put him to dreaming. 0.0000.0000.0000.391
Can you help me find Preaching to the Perverted? 0.0000.0000.0000.243
The Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean. 0.0000.0000.0000.264
Now go upstairs and see what little Christina wants. 0.0000.0000.0000.109
What's this, the end of the eighth? 0.0000.0002.0000.232
I'm never more aware of a room's acoustics than when I'm trying to enjoy a snack I have no intention of sharing. 1.0004.0007.0000.447
It was, however, still so hot from its flight through the air. 0.0000.0000.0000.447
This was the strangest of all things that ever came to earth from outer space. 0.0000.0000.0000.201
A large piece suddenly came off and fell with a loud and sharp noise. 0.0000.0000.000-0.008
A couple walks through an Asian restaurant. 0.0000.0000.0000.369
A man in a green and red shirt and blue shorts jumps a hurdle on a track. 0.0000.0000.0000.295
Looking through the telescope, I saw a circle of deep blue and the little round planet. 0.0000.0001.0000.412
I have the diet of a kid who found twenty dollars. 0.0000.00013.0000.289
The hunter was alerted by the sound of rustling vegetation behind her. 0.0000.0000.0000.398
There is no universal definition of intelligence, but everyone agrees that the ability of learning belongs to it. 1.0004.0006.0000.400
He didn't consider mending the hole — the stones could fall through any time they wanted. 1.0002.0002.0000.365
This wasn't a strange place; it was a new one. 0.0000.0001.0000.247

SeedTTS test-zh (Validation)

Average CER: 8.437
Average PER: 4.500
Average SIM-O: 0.462

Text CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
通过创新技术让未来出行更加安全,高效。 2.0000.0000.430
全球每年有超过一百三十五万人,因交通事故而死亡。 24.00010.0000.453
我得用回想与幻想补充我所缺少的饮食,安慰我所得到的痛苦。 6.0002.0000.461
拿一只中型平底锅,用中大火融化奶油,加入面粉搅拌至滑顺。 8.0005.0000.457
尽管是用民间资金办学,但亚奥学校的性质并不单纯。 6.0006.0000.438
全国恶性肿瘤发病,及死亡第一位的是肺癌。 7.0007.0000.480
女主在等男主回来,事情挺多,不会无聊。 6.0007.0000.504
在开会中可以吸气时,稍微用力收缩肛门。 2.0000.0000.275
其眼中的美国优先具有,浓厚的商业运作色彩。 5.0004.0000.578
真不好意思,从小至今,他还从来没有被哪一位异性朋友亲吻过呢。 7.0002.0000.504
她热爱教育事业,希望音乐界后续有人,希望歌声传遍森林。 8.0002.0000.480
父母及两位年轻年长的姐姐用各种方式,填补家中的财务大洞。 2.0000.0000.412
更为严重的就是导致单边牙齿,磨损过度引发牙病。 3.0000.0000.408
是女性们既瘦身又美容养颜的好食材。 4.0008.0000.338
精心伪装的朝鲜特种兵,还是在一月二十一日晚八时左右,摸进了汉城。 23.0007.0000.473
他的建议迎合了一些,舍不得抛弃财产撤退的日侨,侥幸偷安的心理。 15.0008.0000.555
妈妈从我手中拿走我歌曲的歌看,边看边赞不绝口。 5.0000.0000.543
尾号零二六九的乘客刚夸了你,师傅开车稳当当,保驾护航顶呱呱。 31.00017.0000.488
十二个小时呀,简直无法想象怎么熬过来的。 7.0003.0000.434
我真正算是完蛋啦,倘若我能够跟着大雁一走了之。 7.00020.0000.523
将货物通关时间,从原来的九点二个小时,缩短为九分钟。 15.0001.0000.551
一个人生活太顺畅,就会开始变懒,会想着法子玩新花样。 5.0000.0000.598
以及通过非银渠道投向地方基建,和房地产的资金总敞口近八十万亿元。 19.00017.0000.432
目前该案已抓获主要犯罪嫌疑人八人。 3.0001.0000.441
另外,吃黄豆芽象征万事如意,吃发财芽寓意发财。 10.0002.0000.504
汇率是中国军事成本更低的,另一个不显眼的优势。 10.0001.0000.467
大街上,两口儿吵越吵越凶,妻子一气之下扭头就走。 8.00011.0000.410
我还没完成周五阿顿分,给我的那个图表呢。 2.0000.0000.391
法院与不动产登记部门加强沟通,并督促银行提前办理抵押预约登记。 9.0002.0000.574
希望自己也可以用盐雕,设计出自己钟爱的玩偶造型。 3.0000.0000.559
我在尾巴上涂了颜色,卷成彩球的样子。 2.0000.0000.252
过了一会一切都结束了,这座山在月光下显得幽静而静谧。 6.0001.0000.357

SeedTTS test-hard (Validation)

Average CER: 52.625
Average PER: 232.562
Average SIM-O: 0.427

Text CER↓ PER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
她热爱教育事业,希望音乐界后续有人,希望歌声传遍传遍传遍传遍传遍传遍森林。 13.00038.0000.508
精心伪装的朝鲜朝鲜朝鲜朝鲜朝鲜特种兵,还是还是还是还是还是还是在一月二十一日晚八时左右,摸进了汉城。 27.00036.0000.459
十二个小时呀,简直无法想象怎么熬过来的。 7.0003.0000.516
希望自己也可以用盐雕,希望自己也可以用盐雕,希望自己也可以用盐雕,希望自己也可以用盐雕,希望自己也可以用盐雕,设计出自己钟爱的玩偶造型。 17.0000.0000.480
我在在在在在在在尾巴上涂了颜色颜色颜色颜色颜色,卷成彩球的样子样子样子样子样子。 17.00042.0000.297
同时同时同时同时同时同时督促贷款银行银行银行银行银行,应将预约预约预约预约预约预约预约抵押抵押抵押抵押抵押抵押登记时间提前。 430.0002009.0000.664
而且言辞一年比一年严厉,而且言辞一年比一年严厉,而且言辞一年比一年严厉,而且言辞一年比一年严厉,而且言辞一年比一年严厉,而且言辞一年比一年严厉,处罚措施也越来越严苛。 17.00015.0000.512
黑四挥手对狗腿子说道,去,快把莹老汉叫来,说黑大爷找他有事。 6.0000.0000.508
那是我求之不得的呢,那是我求之不得的呢,那是我求之不得的呢,那是我求之不得的呢,那是我求之不得的呢,那是我求之不得的呢,驴一边说,驴一边说,驴一边说,驴一边说,驴一边说,驴一边说,一边紧挨着公主坐下。 38.00095.0000.363
认识你我深感荣幸,认识你我深感荣幸,认识你我深感荣幸,认识你我深感荣幸,认识你我深感荣幸,哦,臭氧会引起浓雾。 15.00010.0000.520
嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,我喜欢收集火柴盒,不过我不确定那算不算爱好。 16.00041.0000.432
难道是有哪个幸运小家伙小家伙小家伙小家伙小家伙小家伙小家伙,被他看中看中看中看中看中看中了了了了了了不成不成不成不成不成。 4.00012.0000.473
正如日本谚语臭的东西,正如日本谚语臭的东西,正如日本谚语臭的东西,正如日本谚语臭的东西,正如日本谚语臭的东西,正如日本谚语臭的东西,就要加上盖子所说的那样。 62.000342.0000.396
口渴口渴口渴口渴口渴口渴口渴严重与否,也也也也也也也不能不能不能不能不能不能不能作为糖尿病糖尿病糖尿病糖尿病糖尿病糖尿病糖尿病严重严重严重严重严重严重严重与否的判断指标。 426.0002254.0000.438
令人令人令人令人令人令人令人可怕可怕可怕可怕可怕可怕的描述,差不多用了了了了了十页稿纸。 8.00042.0000.428
第二天一早,第二天一早,第二天一早,第二天一早,第二天一早,小灰熊像往常一样,在店门口迎客。 12.0002.0000.162
日本军队跨进了离上海约两百英里的,日本军队跨进了离上海约两百英里的,日本军队跨进了离上海约两百英里的,日本军队跨进了离上海约两百英里的,日本军队跨进了离上海约两百英里的,中国首都蓝南京的大门。 67.000324.0000.412
难免难免难免难免难免难免让让让让让让让公众公众公众公众公众公众把把把把把把把中美关系,和中俄关系中俄关系中俄关系中俄关系中俄关系中俄关系往一起联系。 23.00069.0000.262
尾号三九幺八的乘客刚夸了你,你是人间四月天,速度服务赛神仙。 45.00026.0000.496
您这么看我很高兴,我认为有点刺眼。 2.0000.0000.395
我等不及等不及等不及等不及等不及去去去去去玩水,我站站站站站在沙上沙上沙上沙上沙上的时候,脚快脚快脚快脚快脚快烧起来了。 213.0001254.0000.379
也是是是是是是全球全球全球全球全球全球全球七部,首映票房最高影片影片影片影片影片之一之一之一之一之一之一之一。 16.00060.0000.373
一端一端一端一端一端一端是该名词名词名词名词名词名词的正向描述,另一端是是是是是是负面描述描述描述描述描述。 16.00042.0000.447
楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,楼顶上两只全身通红的怪物,便一跃而下。便一跃而下。便一跃而下。便一跃而下。便一跃而下。便一跃而下。便一跃而下。 100.000531.0000.342
他们都可以证明证明证明证明证明证明,蚯蚓王的通讯网站搜索很准,动物界家喻户晓。 11.00010.0000.504
啊啊啊啊啊啊,不,我们我们我们我们我们我们最好最好最好最好最好最好最好去看医生,开点开点开点开点开点药,走吧吧吧吧吧吧。 26.000101.0000.243
中方期待和欧方一道寻求解决方案,妥善化解贸易摩擦。妥善化解贸易摩擦。妥善化解贸易摩擦。妥善化解贸易摩擦。妥善化解贸易摩擦。妥善化解贸易摩擦。 22.00024.0000.473
本市本市本市本市本市本市本市还还还还还将筹划北京雕塑展览馆建设。 4.00020.0000.516
现有飞船到达到达到达到达到达火星最快要用七个月,来回平均要花两年左右。 7.00019.0000.516
好久没去幼稚园看小朋友们了,不能两手空空呀。 6.0000.0000.416
而消费者的钱袋子里却越捂越紧越紧越紧越紧越紧。 2.0006.0000.447
相信岸上固地建设建设,对于中国中国中国中国中国中国中国建设者而言也也也也也没有难度。 9.00015.0000.281

Harvard Sentences

Average WER: 0.031
Average CER: 0.094
Average PER: 0.156
Average SIM-O: 0.401

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E
Post no bills on this office wall. 0.0000.0000.0000.393
Jerk the dart from the cork target. 0.0000.0000.0000.555
The youth drove with zest, but little skill. 0.0000.0000.0000.539
Plead to the council to free the poor thief. 0.0000.0000.0000.245
A stuffed chair slipped from the moving van. 0.0000.0000.0000.504
If you mumble your speech will be lost. 0.0000.0000.0000.312
The frosty air passed through the coat. 0.0000.0000.0000.578
A waxed floor makes us lose balance. 0.0000.0000.0000.574
Dots of light betrayed the black cat. 0.0000.0000.0000.408
One step more and the board will collapse. 0.0000.0000.0000.410
Note closely the size of the gas tank. 0.0000.0000.0000.434
The small red neon lamp went out. 0.0000.0000.0000.375
Be sure to set the lamp firmly in the hole. 0.0000.0000.0000.318
Loop the braid to the left and then over. 0.0000.0000.0000.500
The point of the steel pen was bent and twisted. 0.0000.0000.0000.229
A lathe cuts and trims any wood. 0.0000.0000.0000.475
Set the piece here and say nothing. 0.0000.0000.0000.357
Wood is best for making toys and blocks. 1.0003.0004.0000.404
The empty flask stood on the tin tray. 0.0000.0000.0000.344
We admire and love a good cook. 0.0000.0001.0000.231
There is a lag between thought and act. 0.0000.0000.0000.342
Take two shares as a fair profit. 0.0000.0000.0000.365
The marsh will freeze when cold enough. 0.0000.0000.0000.057
A ridge on a smooth surface is a bump or flaw. 0.0000.0000.0000.208
It matters not if he reads these words or those. 0.0000.0000.0000.594
The fin was sharp and cut the clear water. 0.0000.0000.0000.457
The nag pulled the frail cart along. 0.0000.0000.0000.110
A pot of tea helps to pass the evening. 0.0000.0000.0000.475
Jazz and swing fans like fast music. 0.0000.0000.0000.434
A thick coat of black paint covered all. 0.0000.0000.0000.676
The cleat sank deeply into the soft turf. 0.0000.0000.0000.418
The first part of the plan needs changing. 0.0000.0000.0000.512

Tongue Twisters

Average WER: 1.062
Average CER: 2.219
Average PER: 2.656
Average SIM-O: 0.412

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. 2.00016.00023.0000.241
The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. 1.0003.0001.0000.227
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 0.0000.0000.0000.224
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread. 0.0000.0000.0000.389
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 0.0000.0000.0000.149
The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. 0.0000.0000.0000.498
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread. 1.0006.0006.0000.520
Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery. 1.0002.0003.0000.395
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 0.0000.0000.0000.357
Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better. 3.00012.0007.0000.523
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 2.0005.0008.0000.350
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? 0.0000.0000.0000.727
Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery. 1.0002.0004.0000.535
Rory the warrior and Roger the worrier were reared wrongly in a rural brewery. 1.0002.0003.0000.578
Seventy-seven benevolent elephants. 0.0000.0000.0000.551
Wayne went to wales to watch walruses. 0.0000.0000.0000.523
Wayne went to wales to watch walruses. 0.0000.0000.0000.438
Send toast to ten tense stout saints’ ten tall tents. 4.0006.0005.0000.475
Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better. 2.0003.0004.0000.412
Fresh French fried fly fritters. 0.0000.0000.0000.504
Pad kid poured curd pulled cod. 0.0000.0000.0000.147
Which wrist watches are Swiss wrist watches? 4.0002.0004.0000.387
You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York. 0.0000.0002.0000.305
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. 0.0000.0000.0000.508
Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks. 2.0004.0003.0000.365
The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. 0.0000.0000.0000.212
Which wrist watches are Swiss wrist watches? 4.0002.0005.0000.309
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. 2.0004.0002.0000.475
Wayne went to wales to watch walruses. 0.0000.0000.0000.535
The 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. 0.0000.0000.0000.391
Which wrist watches are Swiss wrist watches? 4.0002.0004.0000.418
Wayne went to wales to watch walruses. 0.0000.0001.0000.504

Emilia (EN)

Average WER: 1.625
Average CER: 6.281
Average PER: 8.781
Average SIM-O: 0.555

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
At the time of the census, the rural population of the region accounted 0.0000.0000.0000.746
I know so often we feel helpless and feel like there's nothing we can do, but now you can. 1.0004.0006.0000.361
The classification below is a composite of Goddard' 1996, Campbell' 1997, and Mithun' 1999 9.00063.00097.0000.902
Yep, to hammer this out, because the goal is to get kind of a first beta release of 1.0003.0003.0000.322
...private, educational and non-profit sectors to implement programs focusing on advanced digital skills and cutting-edge technologies. 0.0000.0003.0000.902
Uh, you guys being one, but any examples of like transformation that you've seen using this, this, uh, service? 6.00023.00031.0000.455
Bro, like, we were like, like, what is this bot? We actually needed some, something. That was a funny spot. 2.00010.00014.0000.245
4,635. So with that said, uhm, I just want to quiet. 2.00010.00013.0000.594
You can also have 2 times 2, which equals 4. So, 4, 1, and 2. 0.0000.0003.0000.566
You know, I really want them to learn and $5 isn't that much. So maybe, and this is where we kind of start splitting, splitting off in different sides. 2.00010.0006.0000.574
But despite that, Shell only paid $49 million in taxes despite generating $2.3 billion in profits just in Singapore alone. 2.00016.00016.0000.379
The instructional materials are part of your packet and the classroom activities where you actually use it. I hope that's clear. 0.0000.0000.0000.617
Dozens of comments screaming at the clone, at a demon who dubbed the child, but there are no images that prove it, indeed you can clearly see a daily situation between two children. 0.0000.0002.0000.668
So we have a lot of different types of mitigation strategies and this could range from 0.0000.0000.0000.309
So we really only have rarity and rainbow dash who have big visible dreams. 0.0000.0000.0000.512
And Johnny Summers, ex-Lonsdale belt holder and ex-lightweight champion of the British Empire, who are watching this exhibition bout by Tommy Hanson, Wellington welterweight. 1.0006.0005.0000.275
Indeed. Well, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. I'm really delighted to speak to you. I wanna learn and find out what's been going on with you, but... 2.0004.0007.0000.793
Molly Gloss, Personal Silence John Kessel, Invaders 1.0001.0002.0000.734
So we have shared mobility, which includes things like universal trip planning and payment app development, curbside management, mobility hubs. 0.0000.0000.0000.570
Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police OP Singh unveiled the statue of Kotwal Don Singh Gurur on the premises of the Sadar Police Station in Meerut 5.0008.00010.0000.918
Yeah, it's a little rushed, but seven day honeymoon in Hawaii. Honeymoon in Hawaii? So 10am, Bridgewood. 4.0002.0005.0000.377
Uh, allow this app to take pictures and record video? Yes. So it's got the permissions popping up there. Click on that. 2.0009.00012.0000.271
Sebeal went in first and began a medium angle dive bombing run, planning to release both of his bombs in the first attack. 2.0007.0008.0000.703
To encourage other people and putting the spotlight back on him. So I think sometimes. 0.0000.0000.0000.420
Poaching is a moist heat transfer method where we're going to use a warm liquid to slowly cook our product. 0.0000.0000.0000.404
The vote went through early Tuesday morning and successfully blocked Boris Johnson from organizing a new vote before Parliament's month-long suspension. 0.0000.0000.0000.395
So today is retracing, so yea, it may retrace back to the Tenkan Sen, or the previous resistances. 3.0003.0004.0000.691
Yeah, you can, I think we can, since everything, I think all the conversation went on the channel, so maybe you want to update, like, 0.0000.0007.0000.680
And of course, this platform will be just one part a new internet ecosystem in Europe. 1.0004.0006.0000.410
And common approaches include things like input subsidies, extension services, and, you know, government issued input recommendations. 6.00018.00021.0000.363
The province is currently represented in the lower house of the Congress of the Philippines through its first and second congressional districts. 0.0000.0000.0000.938
From the Cube Studios in Palo Alto in Boston, connecting with thought leaders all around the world, this is a Cube Conversation. 0.0000.0000.0000.668

Emilia (FR)

Average WER: 2.906
Average CER: 10.781
Average PER: 11.719
Average SIM-O: 0.589

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
pour prémunir les adeptes contre les écueils d'un officia apporter ces fruits et que beaucoup ont dû à la lecture de cet ouvrage d'avoir pu les éviter. Voilà. 2.0002.0003.0000.523
J'ai préparé des écrevisses à la Bretonne, accompagnées de caviar et de petits feuilletés de pommes de terre. Surprise pour le dessert ! 1.0005.0004.0000.559
Pourquoi plus longtemps? euh, j'aime pas que mes poses forcément durent très longtemps, mais parce qu'en fait, à chaque étape, c'est important que les ondes catalysent assez. 6.00022.00021.0000.566
Alors, mon stylo marron, ma gomme rose et bleue, mes ciseaux verts, 0.0000.0000.0000.609
Très bien. Et si nous utilisions un emballage rouge avec 30% écrit en noir dessus pour le chocolat sucré ? 1.0009.0008.0000.727
Voilà. Donc, il y a plusieurs, euh, les méthodes des dépôts sont assez diversifiées, mais la meilleure, la meilleure méthode. 3.00017.00017.0000.357
on est sur un super héros qui ne sait pas réellement en fait la forme qu'il doit avoir au sein du cinéma. Et, par contre, une chose était claire, suite au succès de Ragnarok, 6.00014.00016.0000.652
Alors à ses débuts, il n'attirait pas spécialement les lecteurs, c'était surtout un héros de second plan apparaissant dans des aventures de Spider-Man ou encore les Quatre Fantastiques. 2.0007.0003.0000.479
Puis elle imagine l'arrivée des premières légions romaines, en 133 avant Jésus-Christ, foulant ses dalles de l'année principale. 6.00015.00013.0000.668
Vous savez, moi j'habite un petit village et je dois faire attention. Je dois les vendre ces machines, moi. 1.0003.0004.0000.438
ou dans une vision d'insertion, hein, mais on est obligé de prendre en compte ce qui finalement, 2.00016.00016.0000.770
on ajoute le nombre à la date de naissance et pour arrêter le programme, on peut faire go to 2.0004.0004.0000.436
Et ils voulaient qu'on s'exprime librement. Je les aimais mais... Je me sentais quand même comme une étrangère dans leur maison parfois. 0.0000.0005.0000.629
Enfin, ton rêve se réalise. Je suis extrêmement fier de toi, ma chérie. 1.00010.00010.0000.754
Centres commerciales 4.00016.00015.0000.418
des entreprises, des entreprises, euh, par exemple à Saint-Étienne, il y a une, une chocolaterie célèbre, enfin, célèbre pour les Stéphanois, mais Vice, enfin, Vice en allemand. 5.00020.00025.0000.676
De bonheur et dont il est séparé depuis euh, quelque temps. Lui dire, euh, qu'elle veut... 5.00022.00019.0000.475
Alors que la femme au cristal n'a pas ouvert la bouche une seule fois, je sais que c'est elle qui vient de s'adresser à moi. 0.0000.0000.0000.652
Après huit ans d'écriture et beaucoup de refus d'édition de ses romans, elle obtient la consécration grâce à la publication du deuxième sexe. 1.0003.0002.0000.688
Joriscar Luis Mons meurt le 12 mai 1907. Il est enterré vêtu de noir dans ses habits d'oblats. 7.00032.00029.0000.629
Nous sentons que, en ce moment, on dit, mais, le Seigneur, il n'est pas là. C'est, mais, ça, c'est un désir que nous avons, que le Seigneur soit toujours à permanence avec nous. 7.00018.00028.0000.586
La température va monter un peu cet après-midi. Il va faire 7 degrés et il va y avoir du soleil toute la journée. 0.0000.0000.0000.824
Ah oui, bonjour madame Réchi. Par ici s'il vous plaît. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous aujourd'hui ? 2.0003.0006.0000.906
Le verbe avoir se conjugue de différentes façons. Il a au présent, mais il avait à l'imparfait. 0.0000.0001.0000.590
Et le gérondif présent et gérondif passé, donc gérondif présent en marchant, distinction entre le participe présent et le gérondif. 1.0001.0000.0000.594
Mais en fait, je leur dis, ne supportez pas le fait d'utiliser des registres publics, par exemple le Docker OBSA. En fait, vous pouvez juste rien faire. 0.0000.0000.0000.359
Serge et Perla Hamon sont chercheurs à l'IRD. Ils partagent leur vie et la même passion, celle des ressources génétiques et leur préservation. 1.0001.0001.0000.512
Voilà, alors on va voir le phénomène de seconde vue, hein, donc le phénomène désigné sous le nom de seconde vue a-t-il du rapport avec le rêve et le somnambulisme? 3.00011.00014.0000.555
Et puis ben oui, ta mère a fait un bâche, t'es né, t'es né, que des mots, mais les plus. 10.00032.00048.0000.441
Je n'ai pas mangé de viande depuis presque sept ans. Pas de porc, pas de poulet, rien. Des soins ? 10.00053.00057.0000.637
Nous descendions une sorte de visse tournante qu'on eût cru faite de la main des hommes. 3.0007.0005.0000.738
affirment restement le pauvre dragon, pas d'amour. Il faut que tu te caches. 1.0002.0001.0000.418

Emilia (DE)

Average WER: 1.125
Average CER: 3.531
Average PER: 4.625
Average SIM-O: 0.609

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
What are you doing? Ich schreibe gerade in mein Tagebuch. I'm writing in my journal. 1.0004.0005.0000.244
Trotzdem bin ich in der Lage hier, äh, zumindest im Denk- und Gedankenexperiment, präzise die Position dieses Moleküls festzulegen. 1.0003.0008.0000.512
Ach ja, er ist viel älter als sie, aber eigentlich noch ein toller Typ. So sportlich und mit den grauen Schläfen. 2.0002.0003.0000.492
Aber du hast uns ein paar Tipps mitgebracht. Worauf muss man achten, wenn man in Deutschland zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch geht? 3.0006.0008.0000.816
So, und jetzt hol ich mir noch einen Joghurt vom Kiosk. Ach Mist, ich hab kein Geld dabei. Kannst du mir 70 Cent leihen? Ja klar. 2.0002.0004.0000.793
Was haben wir jetzt, elf oder zwölf Spieltagen? Zwölf Spieltagen, gerade mal zwei Spiele gewonnen hast. 0.0000.0002.0000.609
Die Bearbeitungsgebühr betrug 3 % der Kreditsumme. 3.0006.0005.0000.809
Also, ich finde Kanada ist ein total tolles Land. Ich war ein Jahr im Ausland dort und hab's sehr genossen. Das hat mir sehr gefallen. Ist super schön dort. 3.0006.0009.0000.414
Die typischen Salzburger Restaurants und gemütlichen Biergäten zum Beispiel sind ganz nah. 0.0000.0000.0000.707
Auch der pH-Wert wird in der Restflüssigkeit bestimmt. Die pH-Bestimmung erfolgt über einen berührungslosen Farbabgleich mit der pH-Farbskala. 0.0000.0000.0000.707
Das kann ich Ihnen jetzt nicht genau sagen. Da fragen Sie am besten bei der Handwerkskammer nach. Aber ich denke, es wird mehr als 100 Euro kosten. 0.0000.0000.0000.781
Da hat er mich noch oben zum Auto gebracht, das wartete vor seinem Haus auf Mallorca und wir haben uns die Hand gegeben und das war das Letzte, was ich von ihm gesehen habe. 1.0004.0004.0000.656
Von daher, ja, was soll man machen, ist doch jetzt auch egal, ne? Wen interessiert denn das auch, ne? Wen interessiert meine Ehre als Gamer? 0.0000.0000.0000.641
Dann, ist diese Lücke in der was falsch laufen könnte, ist dann geringer. Das soll jetzt nicht komplett weggehen, weil, 0.0000.0003.0000.504
die Bluse der Pullover die Absatzschuhe 2.00017.00021.0000.570
Dann aber erkannte er meine Mutter, unterdrückte seine vorlaute Bemerkung und meinte höflich Auf der Zugspitze, Frau Kestner. 2.0009.00010.0000.609
Gibt es hier eine Post? Wo arbeitet der Bundeskanzler? 0.0000.0000.0000.527
Der Hofstaat und die Minister waren es so gewohnt wegen der Nase des Prinzen zu lügen. Sie hatten vergessen, 1.0001.0004.0000.570
Das freut mich zu hören, Emma. Es gibt wirklich eine Vielzahl von Festivals in Deutschland, die für jeden etwas bieten. 0.0000.0000.0000.812
Mit diesen Medbetten kann man zum Beispiel seinen IQ anheben. Oder man kann alte Erinnerungen einfach löschen. 0.0000.0001.0000.422
Und unbedingt Schnee sehen wollen und sich darauf total freuen einmal diese Kälte und diesen Schnee zu spüren. 0.0000.0001.0000.789
Ich war ein einsamer Mann. Und hatte nicht viele Freunde. Und ich sprach nicht mit vielen Leuten. 0.0000.0001.0000.707
Und da kann ich ja die Sanpienburger. 25. Juni. Die Jugendherberge ist nicht so toll. 1.0002.0003.0000.531
Also, umkehrtief sind die Leute hier nicht gewesen, als sie die Trainer erstellt haben, designt haben. Vor allem, den Platin waren die Trainer sogar viel besser. 2.0008.00013.0000.473
Unser Sofa ist zwei Meter zwanzig breit. Also ist die Mitte eins zehn. 8.00028.00019.0000.512
Ja, da sind auch die Rettungen und alles sowieso schon überlastet ist und uns dann nicht auch noch braucht sozusagen. 0.0000.0000.0000.395
Aktuell ist hier also ein User von maximal 25 Sessions, die ich hier mal als Maximum definiert habe, ist hier angemeldet. 1.0009.00010.0000.633
sind die digitalen virtuellen Realitäten der Gegenwart im Endeffekt vielleicht nur die technisch weiterentwickelten Panoramen des 21. Jahrhunderts. 1.0004.0007.0000.547
Man lässt sich aber durch die vielen verschiedenen Informationen immer einschüchtern und mir ist das ganz, ganz wichtig. 0.0000.0000.0000.559
Toffe Maggie, ich hab keine Angst. Ich schlaf in einem Zelt, haha. Gute Nacht. 2.0002.0007.0000.586
Die alle so viel Wohnraum wie eine richtige Familie haben möchten. Keine Kinder, aber Platz für vier Personen. 0.0000.0000.0000.750
Die neue Art, wie man Berufe zuweist, ist zwar im Grunde einfacher und schneller, aber für Umsteiger etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. 0.0000.0000.0000.816

Emilia (JA)

Average CER: 9.125
Average PER: 43.781
Average SIM-O: 0.613

Text CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
なんかそうやってこういろんなことを解釈しながら表現していらっしゃるんだろうなと思って。 1.0000.0000.494
この怪獣知らない人いないんじゃないでしょうか?ゴムラです。別名、怪獣殿下。まさに今、目の前のホテルを襲おうとしています。 7.00017.0000.621
すごい!じゃあ皆さん、スペーションのサムライパフォーマンスになりますので、ぜひ楽しんでみてくださいね! 6.00029.0000.291
で、今日はその個別プロジェクトの、あの、私たちのね、活動のプロジェクトの一つ、ハリマミズベプロジェクトと、えっと、 17.00042.0000.336
これは多分、住所証明には使えないので、銀行がまだ開設できないんですね。なので、 7.00017.0000.695
この時、新しい馬蹄の軌道もA'とB'の列で記述されることが前と同じようにして証明される。 29.000144.0000.652
なんか、ラグ?なんか配信とのラグがちょっとだけある。おばーんでーす。 15.00039.0000.414
ええと、まずね、じゃあまあ何でもいいですけど、ここでアドレッド検索して、ページに入ります。ね。 13.00041.0000.637
本番は猫ゆうなです。今日は5ヶ月ぶりにバーチャルモーションキャプチャーがアップデートされましたので、それの紹介をしたいと思います。 31.000392.0000.637
nので、まあ、その、ひの丸図も面白かったひの丸の話しするし、みたいなのを、まあ、多少決めてね。 18.00034.0000.688
ステップ2のループの中でですね、各ステップの計算量を見ていきます。で、えっと、 7.00013.0000.703
パククネ氏の断崖後の大統領選挙で支持率を大きく落とし、出馬を断念しています。 9.00033.0000.719
おとなにあやまるときのていばんですねおかあさんあらら 3.0009.0000.766
スピーカーのトートさんに読み上げ事項を読み上げていただきます。トートさん、ビデオをオンにしてから読み上げをお願いします。 9.000275.0000.551
じゃあ、お金かかってもしょうがないか。会議が11時からで、10分前についていればいいから。じゃあ。 7.00020.0000.441
いい意味でも悪意味でも、要はドタバタした感じに聞こえる。やっぱ速い時に足をどんどん踏むと、ドカドカした感じがするから。 8.00031.0000.691
この秋、平夜が黒杉で見せる新しい姿は、たくさんの人を魅了するに違いない。 3.0008.0000.770
あ、はい。ただ、午前中にその作業が入ると、今やってる調査結果の入力が今日中には終わらなくなってしまいますが。 4.0009.0000.613
一方、自宅療養などについての政府の方針をめぐり、厚生労働省はこれまでの説明資料を見直しました。 0.0000.0000.820
現在は、波の保健福祉センターを曲がりし、各種の行政サービスを行っています。 0.0000.0000.781
歴史上の名所や資料館などを見学しますこちらは月に1回です 0.0000.0000.531
彼女の性格から言うと無断で欠席 するはずがないですが何かあったのだろうか 8.00016.0000.773
いやなんか、このなんか、形も物語だよねっていう話をしたから、なんかこういう、なんていうの、ネタバレは、 8.00024.0000.582
どうもこんにちは。今回はですね、四国に向かっております。会いにくの空模様なんですが、ええと、 9.00029.0000.293
沖縄は美しい海、豊かな自然、そして独自の文化を持つ県です。 0.0000.0000.777
でも採用試験には技術関連の問題がありますから、まずはそれに合格しなければなりませんね。 5.00010.0000.668
このまままっすぐ行ってください。 17.00042.0000.664
つよい光なので目にはよくありません。赤から紫までの光線つまり 1.0000.0000.613
うんと、同性婚賛同証明活動を説明して、単元を教えして、 10.00028.0000.408
タケさんも一緒ってことは、家の手伝いか。そんなところ。頑張れよ。 11.00036.0000.684
で、それで2を代入すると、こんな風に、えっと、ここを2を置く。 16.00032.0000.699
パート2 練習日本語で言ってください。 13.00031.0000.609

Emilia (KO)

Average WER: 2.094
Average CER: 2.906
Average PER: 8.438
Average SIM-O: 0.609

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네, 네. 6.00012.00041.0000.137
구치가요 플러스는 사실 P3 이라고 거의 똑같은 제품이에요. 근데 가격이 그거보다 비싸니까 별로 권장하고 싶진 않습니다. P3이 품절했을때는 한번 고민해보겠네요. 8.00010.00021.0000.516
그래서, 저 애용은, 영혼이 아닐까요? 음. 이거린 완전 난리 아님 누년가. 4.0005.00010.0000.742
너만큼 커다란 달걀이 있었단다. 이 이야기는 세상에 조금밖에 알려지지 않았지. 0.0000.0000.0000.508
하지만, 제게 마지막 소원이 하나 있어요. 들어주실 수 있죠? 좋다. 그럼 어디, 니 마지막 소원이 뭐지? 1.0001.0005.0000.406
아, 그렇군요. 그 시 읽으세요. 저는 지금 가봐야겠네요. 시간이 늦어서요. 만나서 반가웠습니다. 2.0003.0002.0000.633
오늘 참사 현장에는 소방관과 군인, 경찰 등이 모두 나서서 필사적인 진화, 구조 작업을 벌였습니다. 구조 상황을 온주 기자가 취재했습니다. 1.0001.0006.0000.582
이제 5월달 보겠습니다. 어쨌든 4월, 3월, 3월, 4월, 다 좋단 뜻이에요. 자, 5월은. 3.0003.00010.0000.586
대개발로 보상이 나갈 때는 상업적 보상금이 많이 높다 하는 것을 학습을 해서 알고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에. 3.0003.00011.0000.535
친애하는 여러분, 고귀하신 왕과 왕자님들, 이제 제 딸이 등장하겠습니다. 0.0000.0002.0000.328
전 남친이요? 전 남친 생각하면 지긋지긋해요. 저는요, 이제는요, 아주 깡! 6.0007.00021.0000.777
그리고 본인 소그룹 실적이 100억 피부 이상일 경우에는 모든 구간에 참여할 수 있으면 소득은 더욱 커지는 그러한 설계 방식입니다. 0.0000.0000.0000.629
그런 시각으로 보질 않으니까 지방에서 지역 창업을 한 청년들 같은 경우에, 로컬 창업을 한 청년들 같은 경우엔 자기도 모르게 주눅 들어있고, 3.0007.00013.0000.555
혹은 손잇사람이나 손아래사람과 만날 때 식사비를 각자 내지 않고 한 사람이 내는 경우가 있습니다. 5.0004.00013.0000.730
이럴 때 고생 끝에 낙이 온다는 말을 쓸 수 있는 거죠. 그런데 졸업 후에는 뭘 할 거예요? 0.0000.0000.0000.281
그 다음에 이렇게 4월부터 폭등하기 시작하죠. 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯. 한 6개월간 떠올려요. 그죠? 0.0000.0007.0000.758
정국씨에게 하나 더 물어보라고 지금 그 너무 대답이 활기차가지고 또 대답을 듣고 싶은 모양입니다. 0.0000.0000.0000.645
결국 여우와께서 굿수 사람을 아사와 유다 사람 앞에서 쳐서 패하게 하시니, 굿수 사람이 도망가는지라. 8.0008.00024.0000.637
신께서 그들의 삶 속으로 가져다 주신 이 모든 것에 감사하는 것으로 이 이야기는 끝이 납니다. 0.0000.0000.0000.523
여기 계신 아버님이 더 축구요를 더 빠져 계신 것 같아요. 아버님 자신이 더 많이 빠져 있는 것 같아요. 0.0000.0000.0000.785
얼마 전 아이를 낳아서 몸조리해야 하는 상황인데, 한 달 남재 쉬고 바로 나와서 일하고 있습니다. 3.0002.0008.0000.871
그리고 또, 올해, 저기, 막, 저랑 처음부터 같이 하신 분들은 적응이 돼서 상관없지만, 처음 보신 분들은 깜짝 놀라실까봐. 2.0005.00017.0000.637
냉장고만 해도 지금보다 더 편리해져서 냉장고 문을 열지 않고도 안에 뭐가 있는지 알 수 있어요. 0.0000.0000.0000.867
그렇다라고 봐. 암튼, 결정은 여러분들이 하는 거니까 저는 그렇다. 카드에서 나온 게 그렇다. 카드에서 나온 게 그렇다. 0.0000.0001.0000.570
그 다음에 랜덜 드디어 액티베이트 상태로 바꿔서 마우스 입력을 받을 수 있게끔 해주는 찬스도 주는 거죠. 그러면 실제로 2.0006.00012.0000.715
굴림, 바탕 중에서 적당히 선택하셔서 적용하시면 됩니다. 0.0000.0001.0000.719
코엑스에 가려고 하는데요. 몇 번 출구로 나가면 돼요? 0.0000.0001.0000.707
어떤 걸 더 채워드리면 좋을까를 고민하기로 한 거죠 플랫폼 산업의 트렌드가 아무리 변화해도 3.0005.00017.0000.727
지금 예수님의 제림이 역사적으로 가까이 왔다고 하죠. 물론, 그 때와 신은 알 수가 없어요. 근데 그러면 뭘 외쳐야 돼요, 여러분? 1.0001.0004.0000.664
관계를 좋아해. 너무너무 좋아하기 때문에 그게 제대로 안 되면, 그게 제대로 안 되면, 0.0000.0005.0000.443
특히 또 안철수 후보가 안철수 장악 퀴즈라고 한 번씩 던지면 윤석일하고 휘청을 했단 말이죠. 4.0005.0009.0000.559
네, 저희 세븐틴도 다양한 우리가 모여 우리의 세계를 지위해 나가고 흐름을 주도하는 최고가 되자는 2.0005.0009.0000.719

Emilia (ZH)

Average CER: 14.094
Average PER: 24.781
Average SIM-O: 0.595

Text CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
但真相就恰恰跟你讲,我就谈制服。然后其他概念就是,为什么公权力里面允许,允许这个暴力? 5.00017.0000.416
麦田怪圈的形成一直是大家感兴趣的地方。随着科技的发展,人们开始尝试记录麦田怪圈的形成过程。 2.0001.0000.863
结果他跟我吐槽完没多久就发朋友圈说啊,今天男朋友带我出来下馆子啦,好开心。 6.0005.0000.680
更要命的是,我对于那些汗水和时间所兑现出来的未来表示怀疑,这可能真的不是我想要博取的。 2.0009.0000.848
我不住店要去,你去,我就搁这儿待着,我看见了。 10.00032.0000.316
就是说,比如说,你卖车,对吧?是car,C-A-R,这关键词。当然是阿里萨,卖车不多。就是说, 10.00047.0000.539
先别急,我不是说跟他无关,我就是想不明白他是怎么牵扯进来。 5.0000.0000.469
有一位老僧在座上宣讲佛法,四周众多僧人围绕着听讲。诸举人也掺杂站立其中。 4.00017.0000.934
南瓜最大的好处就是,它们很美味,要一口尝尝吧,像这样。 1.0003.0000.562
高手就是说他所有的这个细胞呃,从他就是开场上来,就全部在那个表演和状态里面。 7.00013.0000.609
这时我看到黄色在大厅里收集一能量球,他捡起能量球后没有放进池,反而走了出去。 3.0008.0000.664
管理几级的而且我后来特意查看了座席妹子这座席都没有三级的还三级用三级呼吁我 6.0002.0000.805
In other words, listen for the most important part of what they are saying. Okay, this is all happening inside of your mind as you're listening. 140.000221.0000.424
咱们也剩两个,能不能够不吵啊,我骂了你这么多年,我都觉得累了。 7.0004.0000.375
Are too powerful, cried the monkey. I can't fight you anymore, he turned and ran away. 82.000151.0000.695
啊,是吗?他说呃,是啊啊你不信吗?要不要我们再演一出啊,我说呃,演哪一出啊,他说。 16.00022.0000.500
That's why boys and girls, Fred the fly shouted, we need... 8.00017.0000.247
我是个传亮的人,咱们明人就不要说暗话了,开个价。 9.0002.0000.387
在环节票部分,评委对每个环节分别做出打翻判定,并在比赛结束后上交环节票。 3.0002.0000.459
就是我金义德触犯了规矩,该处罚也得处罚呀,看在你们求情的份上啊。 6.0000.0000.428
上帝为你关上一扇门的同时,给你开了一扇窗,你想想门和窗帘一样嘛。 7.0002.0000.574
我要比任何人都了不起,这就是我迪奥布兰杜的人生,在此迈出的第一步。 5.0003.0000.594
特战门前哪,这人是越聚越多,围的里三层外三层。后来的人往里头挤呀,挤不着啊。 9.00015.0000.570
这把,毕竟,他这个挖掘机想要配合边线,没有那么好干个,可能就是说猴子还行,但是如果被反断到的话又很麻烦。 6.00012.0000.547
一个主机的重量就有两千二百多吨,其他的每个零部件单独抽出来也有几百吨。 18.00010.0000.605
大家好,我是罗贝,经过这二十二天的停更,嗯,我吸取了很多很多的知识。然后呢。 16.00011.0000.625
我就看这一期了,这一期要是行就行不行就不行。赵小会挺好,他今天的角度跟一般人挺不一样的。 6.0009.0000.648
对,对,现在GNEC五分钟,我记得就领先了图富四五百,但是现在我们可以看到这波小团打完图富已经来到了一个经济第二的位置。是的。 17.00049.0000.785
我很喜欢鱼,大学在宿舍养了一盆小鱼苗,回去发现我室友在做足疗。 9.00029.0000.828
不过是在义农夫手中,拉了一段车,又喂养得不精心,所以才这么瘦。 1.0002.0000.766
穿了枪头,没死,OC有烟,想起来自己有烟了,赶紧补上,极客只管家过路。 9.00016.0000.645
掌柜的呀,我错了,似乎全在你老袋舌头尖。 16.00062.0000.617

Portal (GLaDOS)

Average WER: 0.719
Average CER: 2.063
Average PER: 3.313
Average SIM-O: 0.665

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
When I said deadly neurotoxin, the deadly was in massive sarcasm quotes. 0.0000.0000.0000.629
Look, you're wasting your time. And believe me, you don't have a whole lot left to waste. 0.0000.0001.0000.348
No further compliance information is required or will be provided, and you are an excellent test subject. 0.0000.0001.0000.586
Let's be honest. Neither one of us knows what that thing does. Just put it in the corner and I'll deal with it later. 0.0000.0002.0000.680
I have to agree. Orange has penalized 75 science collaboration points. 0.0000.0001.0000.676
It's your old friend, deadly neurotoxin. If I were you, I'd take a deep breath and hold it. 0.0000.0000.0000.719
That's why humans couldn't complete these courses They treat their friends as enemies 0.0000.0002.0000.758
Rest assured that there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence. 0.0000.0000.0000.660
If I'd known you let yourself get captured this easily, I would have just dangled a turkey leg on a rope from the ceiling. 3.0009.00011.0000.785
Good. You made it to one of the human habitats. We're looking for an artifact. Think of it as an archaeological dig. 2.0007.0007.0000.613
This next test involves emancipation grills. Remember, I told you about them in the last test area that did not have one. 0.0000.0000.0000.754
That thing you're attacking isn't important to me. It's the fluid catalytic cracking unit. It makes shoes for orphans. 0.0000.0000.0000.758
be careful hugging can lead to well me disassembling you forever 2.0004.0007.0000.656
I went and spoke with the door mainframe. Let's just say he won't be, well, living anymore. Anyway, back to testing. 2.0001.0004.0000.711
You both made it. It seems no matter what I try to do to pull you apart or destroy you, you just keep going. Keep testing. 0.0000.0000.0000.723
Sorry about the mess. I've really let the place go since you killed me. By the way, thanks for that. 0.0000.0000.0000.680
Just so you know, I have to go give a deposition for an upcoming trial. In case that interests you. 0.0000.0001.0000.707
This course was created and then abandoned by humans. They tend to do that. Create something wonderful and then abandon it. 2.0004.0004.0000.688
Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber is looking pretty good. 0.0000.0000.0000.691
The Vital Apparatus vent will deliver a weighted companion cube in 3... 2... 1... 0.0000.0008.0000.723
You find a way to stun him, I'll send you a core, and then you attach it to him. If we do it a few times, he might become corrupt enough for another core transfer. 1.0003.0004.0000.451
times in this test. Not that it matters. It doesn't. So congratulations on a job well done. 0.0000.0002.0000.734
However, it cannot accompany you for the rest of the test and, unfortunately, must be euthanized. 0.0000.0000.0000.641
As part of a required test protocol, we will not monitor the next test chamber. You will be entirely on your own. Good luck. 0.0000.0000.0000.656
Please place the weighted storage cube on the 1500MW Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super Colliding Super Button. 5.00022.00025.0000.582
Now that you are in control of both portals, this next test could take a very, very long time. 0.0000.0003.0000.570
Hey, just in case this pit isn't actually bottomless, do you think maybe you could unstrap one of those long fall boots of yours and shove me into it? 6.00016.00018.0000.500
Spectacular. You appear to understand how a portal affects forward momentum or to be more precise how it does not. 0.0000.0001.0000.738
Your vitals remain well within testing norms, so there is no need to worry about sudden death from collaborative shock syndrome. 0.0000.0000.0000.727
I created this test to let the humans feel good about themselves it is extremely easy just follow the arrows 0.0000.0003.0000.789
be careful hugging can lead to well me disassembling you forever 0.0000.0001.0000.668
Maybe you should marry that thing since you love it so much. Do you want to marry it? Well, I won't let you. How does that feel? 0.0000.0000.0000.688

Persona 3 + 4

Average WER: 0.344
Average CER: 0.719
Average PER: 1.469
Average SIM-O: 0.483

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
Now, imagine you're Shin, but after a while, people stop dying when you throw them in the TV. You don't know why. 2.0006.0006.0000.428
I... I don't understand. It must be because I don't possess a life. 0.0000.0000.0000.594
So there was no way we could sleep with him lying there. And you know, if we woke him up, he might have made a fuss. 0.0000.0000.0000.346
Dad, I feel so sorry for myself. 0.0000.0001.0000.350
As I begin my term as student council president, I'd like to share with you my vision for this coming year. 0.0000.0000.0000.531
How dare he target females? Now that is unforgivable. This culprit's gotta be some kind of pervert. 0.0000.0000.0000.498
Well, Miss, might I suggest this one over here? It's the newest model, just released this spring. 0.0000.0000.0000.719
Then Shin, again for some random reason, starts throwing people into that world intending to kill them. 0.0000.0000.0000.578
As a result, you, I mean Shin, is a wanted criminal. And there's no place for him to run. 1.0001.0001.0000.633
However, change cannot occur without sustained effort and an unprecedented level of commitment. 0.0000.0000.0000.512
But Misuzu Hiroki had a solid alibi, didn't she? And it seemed like she was already separated from her husband. 0.0000.0000.0000.371
You're just trying to act like a big shot. If all went well, hey, maybe you could even be a hero! 0.0000.0001.0000.531
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 3.0009.00015.0000.100
Someone close to me died. Her killer can't be convicted. And now I'm gonna let the same thing happen again? 0.0000.0000.0000.492
You're supposed to look into a TV that switched off, alone, exactly at midnight on a rainy night. 0.0000.0002.0000.379
After a while, that shadow thing came out of them. The fog cleared, it went berserk, and it ended up killing them. 0.0000.0001.0000.543
Listen up, because people have died in our world. Every time the fog appears, a dead body shows up with it. 0.0000.0000.0000.520
So you think the person Adachi mentioned, the one who told him about the midnight channel, is that conductor? 0.0000.0000.0000.406
Come on. It just so happened that we were walking behind you guys. Pure coincidence. 0.0000.0001.0000.582
Curry's supposed to be, like, really spicy or kinda mild. This just stinks! 2.0003.00010.0000.352
I gotta say, she's the most bewitching, bespectacled beauty I've ever beheld. 0.0000.0001.0000.688
For us graduates, it was truly an honor to share the last three years with all of you. 0.0000.0000.0000.479
You know, in the past if I didn't understand something I would just ask someone to explain it to me. 0.0000.0002.0000.551
But things are different now. When the time comes, I'll be the one left standing. 0.0000.0000.0000.229
Screw the shopping district and Juness, too. You're sick of everything, especially living out in the sticks. 3.0004.0005.0000.570
You want to kill King Moron, but the TV is out, so you have to do it personally. Now the police are on to you. 0.0000.0000.0000.453
Sometimes, all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of. 0.0000.0001.0000.504
This stuff's a lot harder when you don't have a badge to flash. I walked around all day and didn't hear anything good. 0.0000.0000.0000.447
However, in the past there was an underground facility that was used by the military. 0.0000.0000.0000.656
You are not good. You are my enemy. 0.0000.0000.0000.445
Dad, I feel so sorry for myself. 0.0000.0000.0000.516
I... I don't understand. It must be because I don't possess a life. 0.0000.0000.0000.471

Sam and Max (Sam & Max)

Average WER: 0.531
Average CER: 1.625
Average PER: 2.500
Average SIM-O: 0.665

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
My co-conspirator. Holy underpants draped to the mast of a sinking pork rind freighter. That hirsuteomaniac kidnapped my little buddy. 4.0005.0008.0000.766
Hmm, unless I miss my guess, Sybil's being pursued by some kind of rogue semi-sentient interdimensional portal. 0.0000.0001.0000.711
Hey, let's order up a gift and stick one of those gift tags on it. I want to make the elves jealous of our mad addressing skills. 2.0004.0004.0000.711
He better. For all the hard work I did, I want two, no, three jellied lemurs. With extra salt. 0.0000.0001.0000.684
He better. For all the hard work I did, I want two, no, three jellied lemurs. With extra salt. 1.0003.0007.0000.781
Well, well, peepers, you underdeveloped former non-psychotherapist, you. What a treat to run across you again. 0.0000.0001.0000.641
Some of you have called in to complain about the giant figure of Abraham Lincoln rampaging through the DC area, leaving a path of destruction in his wake. 0.0000.0001.0000.684
The winds of progress are blowing swift and juicy, Sam. I'm proudest of the new law I just pushed through Congress. 0.0000.0000.0000.691
Nomex, we have a far more bloodthirsty adversary this time. The President of the United States of America. 0.0000.0001.0000.703
The place stinks of powdered wigs, jelly beans, booze, shredded documents, and some other things I'm not allowed to talk about. 0.0000.0000.0000.555
Before we try physical violence, Max, let's try dazzling the man with our razor-sharp wit and labyrinthine logical conundrums. 0.0000.0000.0000.707
I hope somebody else comes to sing soon. I've got scathing insults and bombast that are itching to claw their way out of my throat. 0.0000.0000.0000.715
I think it was millions of card collectors' voices crying out in anguish. I wouldn't mess with that thing. Those cards take on a life of their own. 0.0000.0000.0000.430
It makes sense. Only an entity with access to universal knowledge could cause computerized chaos on a global scale. 0.0000.0000.0000.664
Ordinarily, I hate yielding to extortion, but I have to admit I'm half-charmed by the sheer spunk of that oily little perp. Where'd you put the cheese, Max? 5.00025.00025.0000.672
It's not that inconvenient. Besides, I think anyone who wants to buy a blue sludgy should have to provide a urine test. I mean, what have they got to hide? 1.0001.0000.0000.668
I disagree! We've still got to foil the plans of that pasty-faced world hypnotizer, Hugh Bliss! 0.0000.0002.0000.494
I think we'd be better off just getting out of here before it gets its strength back. There's nothing worse than an angry corporate presence. 0.0000.0000.0000.582
He better. For all the hard work I did, I want two, no, three jellied lemurs. With extra salt. 0.0000.0001.0000.762
I think it was millions of card collectors' voices crying out in anguish. I wouldn't mess with that thing. Those cards take on a life of their own. 0.0000.0000.0000.613
I'm not interested in infecting some poor schmuck just because he wants a little extra flavor for his hunk of heavily processed meat products. 0.0000.0000.0000.668
Oh, sure. I've been amusing our adversary with gory haiku poems while he plays that dumb song over and over. 1.0003.0006.0000.641
Hello, is this the Pentagon? This is the President's National Security Advisor. I think the Swiss are up to something. You'd better check it out. 2.0007.00012.0000.762
What's that? Uh-huh. Lincoln Memorial. Right. Hydraulic motors and robotic implants. Yes. Okay. I see. We're on it. 1.0004.0006.0000.695
I don't sleep either. I just know the moment I start to snooze, the ravenous clowns that hide in the closet will come out and eat me. 0.0000.0000.0000.559
I'm not interested in infecting some poor schmuck just because he wants a little extra flavor for his hunk of heavily processed meat products. 0.0000.0000.0000.707
Are they in the secret wish of a child? A selfless gesture? A sense of reverence for a simpler time? 0.0000.0000.0000.625
This reminds me of that place where Aunt Trudy lives with the medicine smell and the rubber sheets and the enormous mute Indian. 0.0000.0000.0000.699
He better. For all the hard work I did, I want two, no, three jellied lemurs. With extra salt. 0.0000.0001.0000.598
It's the super exclusive war action figure with extra... Hmm, there are pieces missing. I don't see the weapons of mass destruction. 0.0000.0002.0000.742
By patronize you, he means we want to buy stuff from you, not mock you. We probably will mock you, but that's not what he meant. 0.0000.0001.0000.711
I hope somebody else comes to sing soon. I've got scathing insults and bombast that are itching to claw their way out of my throat. 0.0000.0000.0000.652

Stanley Parable (Narrator)

Average WER: 0.656
Average CER: 3.094
Average PER: 4.219
Average SIM-O: 0.624

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
He would prove it. He would prove that he was in control, that this was a dream. 0.0000.0000.0000.350
Well, who consulted me? Why don't I get to decide? Why don't I get a say in all of this? Is it really... 0.0000.0000.0000.609
Employee number 427's job was simple. He sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. 2.00012.00013.0000.738
He would prove it. He would prove that he was in control, that this was a dream. 0.0000.0001.0000.352
Go ahead, play with those controls all you like. The real controls are where I'm sitting. 0.0000.0000.0000.746
Here, watch this. Stanley, the next time the screen asks you to push a button, do not do it. 1.0002.0004.0000.648
He would prove it. He would prove that he was in control, that this was a dream. 0.0000.0000.0000.418
Stanley waited. Hours passed, then days. Had years gone by? He no longer had the ability to tell. 0.0000.0000.0000.723
Standing now in this incredible room, Stanley for the first time understood true happiness. 0.0000.0000.0000.703
Imagine if this had been the demo, what would you have been thinking? You'd have left with no idea what the Stanley Parable is about, none whatsoever. 0.0000.0000.0000.762
and to think I've been letting you run around in this game for so long. If you'd made any more wrong choices, you might have negated it entirely. 0.0000.0000.0000.527
Stanley was fat and ugly and really, really stupid. He probably only got the job because of a family connection. That's how stupid he is. 1.0007.0009.0000.766
Employee number 427's job was simple. He sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. 2.0008.00013.0000.758
Shocked, unravelled, Stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this, what dark secret was being held from him. 0.0000.0002.0000.781
There we go, a third option. This already feels leaps ahead of where we were before. Go ahead Stanley, take it for a spin. 0.0000.0001.0000.652
No, wait. Never mind. Not the story. Okay, let's head back the other way and retrace our steps. 0.0000.0000.0000.742
That wasn't supposed to be a choice. How did you do that? You actually chose incorrectly? I didn't even know that was possible. 1.0005.0007.0000.711
Well, Stanley, is this any better? I don't know why it would be. This map wasn't even made for you. 0.0000.0000.0000.586
And so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number. 2845. 4.00022.00027.0000.163
Hmm. What do we want? What are we looking for? Hmm. 0.0000.0000.0000.551
Ah, now this room is perhaps the most important you'll encounter in the demo. This is where we determine whether or not the demo has been effective. 2.0008.00010.0000.777
I'm not even going to try. I'm out. I'm out. I'm done. It's over. Thank you for playing. Your input was extremely valuable. 2.00010.00012.0000.645
Stanley waited. Hours passed, then days. Had years gone by? He no longer had the ability to tell. 2.0007.00010.0000.695
And although she would soon turn to go call for an ambulance, for just a few brief moments she considered the strange man. 1.0006.0008.0000.428
Everyone I know, simply vanishing out of the blue, there's almost no other explanation for it. 0.0000.0002.0000.469
Well, Stanley, is this any better? I don't know why it would be. This map wasn't even made for you. 1.0005.0007.0000.672
We need to get out. We need to start over. You mustn't stay here another minute. Out, out, out. Goo, goo, goo. 2.0007.0009.0000.605
And so he resigned and willingly accepted this violent end to his brief and shallow life. Farewell, Stanley. 0.0000.0000.0000.781
Is it a connection? A spark? Something between you and this room that runs deeper? 0.0000.0000.0000.680
and to think I've been letting you run around in this game for so long. If you'd made any more wrong choices, you might have negated it entirely. 0.0000.0000.0000.570
Stanley waited. Hours passed, then days. Had years gone by? He no longer had the ability to tell. 0.0000.0000.0000.762
Well, the good part is that if this is your metric for quality in a game, when we do get to the Stanley Parable, you'll be thrilled. 0.0000.0000.0000.594

Final Fantasy 7: Remake (Unseen)

Average WER: 2.062
Average CER: 6.563
Average PER: 11.344
Average SIM-O: 0.359

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
Huh? Uh, well... Hmm. So, you bump into any giant robots like that in Reactor 1? 1.0005.00013.0000.441
Huh? Uh, well... Hmm. So, you bump into any giant robots like that in Reactor 1? 2.0009.00016.0000.396
Who? This we don't need! Uh... Mmm... Ah... 3.00010.00026.0000.410
To tell you the truth? Not really. Barrett! Wedge? I don't know. 2.0008.00020.0000.385
That's why I hesitated. If we succeed, if we win, we'll be changing ourselves. 0.0000.0000.0000.307
We're all just numbers and meat to him. But... Can't sleep? 0.0000.0003.0000.246
Thanks, and this is Cloud, my bodyguard. So this is my mom, Elmira. I'm home. Come on, there will be monsters. 2.0009.00012.0000.183
Absolutely. I'll throw down the ladder for you to climb up after here's an idea. I'll hop on and you give me a ride 5.00013.00015.0000.295
If that's what you want. Thank you. Time to go. 0.0000.0000.0000.641
Hold on, finally. Marlene! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! 7.00026.00041.0000.295
They've been searching for the Promised Land for a long time. You know it. 0.0000.0000.0000.574
That's true. She's got a point, Cloud. I'm gonna go take Cloud over to Sector 7, okay? Hey, Mom? 2.0005.0009.0000.268
Don't try to bullshit us. Nuh... Nuh... Nuh... Bastard! Nuh... Nuh... Nuh... Nuh... Sorry. 8.00020.00033.0000.543
Almost there. This path is blocked too, but we're so close I can see it. Maybe now we can get to the 2.00012.00013.0000.249
You serious? No. Uhhhh... Yeah. This the place? Yeah. Nothing good. 2.0007.0006.0000.316
Soon enough. Don't you worry? We ought to reach him long before he dies aboard him. Get ready Mako reactor 5 0.0000.0003.0000.574
If that's what you want. Thank you. Time to go. 0.0000.0001.0000.504
need to buy. That one's uh... Know what? It's getting late. I'll introduce you tomorrow. 0.0000.0001.0000.355
It's just sauce. No big deal. Huh. I know. Well... Sorry. Can't help ya. 3.00011.00017.0000.279
But kindness is no use on the battlefield. If anything, it's a liability. Ready? Huh? 0.0000.0000.0000.150
But the President's gonna get his too, if I have anything to say about it. Great. Hold up. 1.0001.0001.0000.457
Who? This we don't need! Uh... Mmm... Ah... 5.00017.00032.0000.352
But back when they were still building Midgar there was an accident and the plate fell this was the sector 6 under city 2.0001.0005.0000.582
Who? This we don't need! Uh... Mmm... Ah... 4.00012.00021.0000.344
Here we go. On my way. Me too. Damn it. 0.0000.0004.0000.034
He couldn't be. But then... The hell? Ah! Ah! Wait! 4.00015.00024.0000.428
Here we go. On my way. Me too. Damn it. 0.0000.0004.0000.252
But back when they were still building Midgar there was an accident and the plate fell this was the sector 6 under city 2.0001.0004.0000.559
Yeah, I gonna have to do this all by myself. Looks like the scorpions taking a shine to you 2.0003.0002.0000.551
What? Then I think I just heard a little kid. Did you guys hear it too? 0.0000.0000.0000.293
That's the plan. Let's go. Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Aerith! Eh! 7.00025.00037.0000.049
Really? Do you even have fancy clothes? Something refined? Something sporty? Something exotic? 0.0000.0000.0000.185

Cyberpunk 2077 (Unseen)

Average WER: 1.156
Average CER: 3.219
Average PER: 5.687
Average SIM-O: 0.331

Text WER↓ CER↓ PER↓ SIM-O↑ Prompt Our VALL-E Ground Truth
Soul Killer program to do so. You survived your death. Is this also bullshit? Remember, 0.0000.0004.0000.200
To finish what I started, I'm back in the game. Want Sokka out, so I'm gonna need you in. 1.0004.0003.0000.395
honest. I would rather keep you close. If only as a friend. Okay, if you say so. I would not want to 4.0007.00018.0000.311
Perhaps only a true outsider can appreciate the beauty of its fractal architecture, the structure of life and death here. 0.0000.0000.0000.228
What do you think? Cyberpsychosis? Now I'm thinking a fire'd really make this place shine. 2.0003.0003.0000.428
earth. There are cameras in the room. Your team included a netrunner. As far as I can tell, 3.0007.00011.0000.273
Cut off that tail! The storm! It's going to swallow us! I know, damn it! There's an abandoned 1.0002.0005.0000.363
Dirty rags, mold, roaches, rat shit, and chef's own pube salad with special ranch dressing. 2.0005.0007.0000.395
To finish what I started, I'm back in the game. Want Sokka out, so I'm gonna need you in. 1.0004.0003.0000.389
Who said this one was our last V look around look at them. Mm-hmm, you know 1.0006.00013.0000.245
but she should be mobile. Bobby! Great. We're hit! Fuck! 1.0005.0008.0000.346
V... you're so dumb. I know. He had best be buckled in, I would say. I have an idea. 0.0000.0003.0000.160
Was good you called. Wish I'da had the chance to. Sure as hell hope it's that and only that. 1.0001.0004.0000.373
fleet. Then please follow the drone. Perhaps a guided tour will prove some form of compensation. 0.0000.0000.0000.161
Was good you called. Wish I'da had the chance to. Sure as hell hope it's that and only that. 1.0001.0002.0000.355
The bell has already tolled. That will not happen anytime soon. And so what? 0.0000.0000.0000.264
We need only to break into the compound, find the right float and inject a virus into its system. 0.0000.0001.0000.194
To be corporate soldiers, corporations need capital and resources to keep all in order. 0.0000.0000.0000.231
but she should be mobile. Bobby! Great. We're hit! Fuck! 1.0005.0009.0000.361
He picked an interesting hour for it. V? Is that what you called? To apologize for interrupting a 1.0002.0006.0000.434
That is, till some net bozos hijacked them and let loose the demons of cyber hell across the whole city. 1.0002.0001.0000.469
We're here to help, OK? Hey. So tell me. 2.0003.0008.0000.134
We all owe you, so you can count on the Aldecaldas. Always. Thank you, V. For your help. 4.0006.00010.0000.241
Finger on the trig, V. Not a word. Go with him, V. You never know what a dog's thinking. 2.0006.00011.0000.379
earth. There are cameras in the room. Your team included a netrunner. As far as I can tell, 2.0008.00010.0000.297
I'm the V who mourns our pal, Jackie. The V who's fuckin' livid at Brigitte. I'm the V with a heavy conscience. 2.0005.0001.0000.426
Are you afraid? What is it that you fear? The end of your trivial existence? 1.0003.0004.0000.582
even while I was sitting, freezing on a cliff. No. Let's sit here a while longer. And I sat here 0.0000.0004.0000.383
Drop one of Misty's special pills. Let's go. V, talk to them. Carrie'll just make it worse. 1.0004.0006.0000.523
Nomads say all sorts of shit. I'll tell you. Someday. Somewhere. If our roads meet again. 1.00010.00011.0000.342
Didn't mark it. Did what they wanted to me. I just remember... cold, a black void, fear. 1.0004.00010.0000.410
Makoshi felt... I don't know... like sleep? Lacked awareness, had no sense of passing time. 0.0000.0006.0000.287

Settings used:

{'task': 'tts', 'modality': 'nar-len', 'max_steps': 50, 'max_levels': 7, 'max_duration': 900, 'ar_temperature': 1.5, 'nar_temperature': 0.0, 'min_ar_temperature': -1.0, 'min_nar_temperature': -1.0, 'top_p': 1.0, 'top_k': 20, 'top_no': 0.0, 'min_p': 0.0, 'repetition_penalty': 1.0, 'repetition_penalty_decay': 0.0, 'length_penalty': 0.0, 'beam_width': 0, 'mirostat_tau': 0, 'mirostat_eta': 0, 'dry_multiplier': 0, 'dry_base': 1.75, 'dry_allowed_length': 2, 'input_prompt_length': 0.0, 'input_prompt_prefix': False, 'prefix_silence': 0.0, 'cfg_strength': 2.5, 'cfg_rescale': 0.75, 'seed': 113, 'tqdm': True, 'batch_size': 16}